VibLab- software can be used to produce sound with vibro-acoustic therapy equipment.
Vibroacoustic therapy and treatment is based on speakers or transducers producing low frequency sine waves between 20 and 120 Hz which causes resonance in the body. The sound vibration moves the muscles and they begin to vibrate. Sound and simple frequencies, or sine waves, are used in the treatment. It generates resonance in the body even at low intensities, so the frequencies during the treatment time are barely audible.
Viblab works in a browser-based way on computers and smart devices
We recommend the Chrome browser to use Viblab.
VibLab software produces sound. The sound is transferred to the computer audio output cable or wirelessly via a Bluetooth connection. By Viblab you can give treatments for example with Multivib-, PhysAc- and Taikofon-products.
VibLab includes 25 premade treatment programs. You can make and save your own treatment programs. Files are stored on your computer.
The treatment can either relax or actívate the body.
The sound frequencies, strength and other parameters can be changed individually through the VibLab software in accordance with the client’s needs.
Individual treatment programs can be tailored using the VibLab software. The application works through browser in your computer, tablet or smart phone by using the device’s own sound card and sound output.
Viblab works in the Chrome browser on your computer, tablet and phones. Software updates are easy to use.